Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

Web Post - Instagram

"WOW! So beautiful! Let's post it on Instagram, so that everyone can see that we are awesome!"

Everyday more and more people sign up on this photo sharing platform. When Instagram first started, it was an exclusive app only for Apple and IOS systems, but now also Android customers can use it. There's no limit set for the creativity of the users. You can find artists, photographers, models, celebs and even wanabees from all over the world. I also use Insatgram and in my first days I was really confused because I saw many 10 to 12 year old kids, who were really famous on Instagram. I have to say that I was really shocked, because I thought that I would see inspiring pictures taken by creative people, but all I saw was... uhmmm.. let's describe it: blonde kids playing models and screaming "YOLO" and "SWAG"..

But after surfing through accounts and thousands of pictures I also found great photographers, artists and designers! Many of them inspired me for my pictures, stories and also drawings. Yes, that's what i lost on Instagram. I'm drawing and designing and publish them.

I think Instagram should be used by people taking photographs as a hobby and also artists and designers. Celebs do have Twitter for their private pictures, so why do they also need Instagram? And 12 year old kids  should go playing outside.

That's my opinion, what do you think about it?
xoxo RoseBewii

P.S.: Follow me on Instagram, if you want! My name is rosebewii.

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