Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Stardoll Post - Makeover Kusja

Makeover Kusja

Hi everybody! =D
I love the website! It's a site for creative fashionistas and styling gurus. But let's talk about it later! =D
I love makeovers on stardoll and so I thought that I could post them here, so that other stardoll lovers get inspired. Let's start!
Kusja is one of the greatest members on stardoll I know. She creates awesome hairstyles. Kusja is one of the most creative people I know. But when I visited her suite I got a bit disappointed, because she looked like this:

Not really that what I expected of her. So I decided to make a makeover.
When I finished my work, she looked like this:

I think she looks stunning! Just gorgeous!
Do you also love it?

xoxo RoseBewii

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