Donnerstag, 14. März 2013

Travel Post - Berlin

Berlin - ITB

Every year the ITB (Internation Tourism Fair) takes place in the fair area of the ICC (International Congress Centre) in the district of Charlottenburg in Berlin. 

Thousands of exhibitors, including international tour operators, airlines, cruise companies, hotels and partner countries present their best sides. From the 6th to the 10th march, visitors from all over the world can visit the stands and also taste delicious snacks, usual in these different countries. I really fell in love with the Belgian waffles!! At one stand a guy catapulted cocoa powder with the aroma of mint into our noses and gave us a piece of chocolate into the mouth. I've never tasted chocolate in such an intensive way! Yeah, to fill yourself up with traditional snacks can be an option to have fun at the fair. Another option can be to collect pens in all colours. I've done both of them ...

But if you are interested in gathering information about tourism or interested in serious issues, how about visiting lectures? Experts discuss about issues like sustainable tourism, future travel trends, new target groups and eco-friendly travel options. 
At the ITB you can find something interesting for everybody.

Let's talk about Berlin

The capital of Germany is known for its history, artistic buildings and walls full of graffiti. 

Berlin is a really fascinating city. This was my first time in Berlin and I really loved it. I've visited the famous district of Kreuzberg and the East Side Gallery, where you can find the longest part of the Berlin Wall. Worth to visit is also "Chekpoint Charlie", where you can find pieces of the Wall and also an open air museum about Berlin's history.

The gourmets and gourmands among you will find everything their heart desire in the KADEWE mall and at the Kurfürstendamm. In Berlin you can find overpriced restaurants, but also cozy taverns. Me and my friend found small comfy tavern in a sideway of the Kurfürstendamm. For 14 € I got a delicious meal, a large drink and also a dessert! On the previous evening I paid these 14 € for ruccola with mozzarella cheese and an unfriendly waitress.

Shopping, Another important issue

If you are a shopping freak, then you'll love Berlin! You can find as many designer labels as you can and by the way maybe you'll get a job offer. After shopping in the one and only Hollister store in Berlin one of the really good-looking employee offered her a job. I think, he was right. She is really beautiful and you have to be beautiful, if you want to work there. Yeah, unfortunately I'm not beautiful.. 

Personally I really liked Berlin. There are modern and really beautiful districts, but also dreamy or even old ones with down-and-out buildings. I think that really matters, if a city does have different facets. 

A city may be really modern and new, but it will never be fascinating, if there is nothing left, that tells a story. 
These were my impressions and thoughts about Berlin. 
I hope you liked it.

xoxo RoseBewii

Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

Web Post - Instagram

"WOW! So beautiful! Let's post it on Instagram, so that everyone can see that we are awesome!"

Everyday more and more people sign up on this photo sharing platform. When Instagram first started, it was an exclusive app only for Apple and IOS systems, but now also Android customers can use it. There's no limit set for the creativity of the users. You can find artists, photographers, models, celebs and even wanabees from all over the world. I also use Insatgram and in my first days I was really confused because I saw many 10 to 12 year old kids, who were really famous on Instagram. I have to say that I was really shocked, because I thought that I would see inspiring pictures taken by creative people, but all I saw was... uhmmm.. let's describe it: blonde kids playing models and screaming "YOLO" and "SWAG"..

But after surfing through accounts and thousands of pictures I also found great photographers, artists and designers! Many of them inspired me for my pictures, stories and also drawings. Yes, that's what i lost on Instagram. I'm drawing and designing and publish them.

I think Instagram should be used by people taking photographs as a hobby and also artists and designers. Celebs do have Twitter for their private pictures, so why do they also need Instagram? And 12 year old kids  should go playing outside.

That's my opinion, what do you think about it?
xoxo RoseBewii

P.S.: Follow me on Instagram, if you want! My name is rosebewii.

Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

Prom Post - Villa Vegas

Villa Vegas - The Licence to Graduate

"My name is Bond, James Bond"

First of all, let me tell you something about my school. I'm attending the fifth, senior,  class of the Higher Educational Institurion for Tourism Villa Blanka in Innsbruck, Tyrol, Austria. It's a prestigious school where rich parents, in general hoteliers, sent their children to guarantee that one day they will continue their business.
But that's enough information about my school, let's get back to the prom.


The senior classes choose the theme for the prom and the fourth classes have the job to organize the whole prom to the last detail: The decor, the needed space, the menu, the band, the dj's, the prizes of the tombola, the sponsors, the number of students, who will work at the prom ...
And other things the senior classes have to do is to plan the polonaise dance and the midnight act.
Only two girls of my class danced polonaise with one of the parallel classes and the rest of us girls danced the midnight act. We just practiced the dance steps three times and hoped for the best.
Everything was perfect, my table, the menu, the people, who I want to take to the prom, but there was one problem: My dress!

I looked for a perfect dress, that goes with my figure for a long time and I found it 17 days before the prom: A long strapless, A-cut dress, that goes from the top to the bottom with the colours turqois to white. I really fell in love with it! My mom also liked it and so I ordered the dress. But it would be delivered within 17 days and I wanted to sicure that if it was too long or too wide, I have the time to go to my tailor. So I chatted with someone of the customer service and she secured me that I'll got the dress in 14 days. I was really happy about that. I waited and waited and waited for it to come. The 14th day came, but no dress. On the 15th day, two days before the prom I wrote the customer service, what happened with my dress and they told me that there were a few problems and I'll get it in 17 days. I really got mad and told them that they can keep it and that I don't need it in 17 days, I need it in two days!! I'm getting mad again when I think about it.
That's the dress:

I had no choice, I had to buy a dress from a boutique in my home town. I was so glad that I found a similar dress: An A-cut dress with the colours white to green with long straps that were tied together on the neck. The straps behind are so long that they can look like a scarf, which gives the dress a fresh note.
My aunt pinned my hair up and my cousine made my make-up.

25th January 2013 - Promtime

Me and my mom were a few minutes too late but it was no big deal. Our table was in the restaurant in front of the glass facade, from where we had a great view over Innsbruck.
The menu was delicious and the wine and drinks tasted good.
After the meal, all graduates had to go in pairs through the whole ballrom to the stage. The polonais dance started. It was really great, they did a good job.
My best friend had the chance to be the prom queen and so our families bought her many pearls. The one with the most pearls becomes the queen. But unfortunately another girl got more pearls. I don't like her!
The band was great. They played awesome songs and the singer had an amazing voice.
The midnight act was real fun! A few weeks ago we danced a flash mob during lunch in school, while one of our teachers was filming. Everybody was surprised because the act started with a huge dispute between the villain, Dr. No, and his victim. The villain beated the victim down, but he got caught in the act by James Bond. The pursuit began.
This film was the beginning of the midnight act, followed by the pursuit through the whole school. After this short movie we, the Bond Girls, started our tempting and seductive dance. Unfortunately some of us drank a bit too much, so that they couldn't stay straight. But we did well. The end of the act was that we girls attracted Dr. No. While my best friend seduced him, I extracted his dog. After that we detained him, so that James Bond could shoot him down. So we started dancing again and made a pass at James Bond.

Yeah, that was the end of the prom. The aftershow party took place at the "Stadtcafé", a great location for parties.

But I'm not going to tell you about it. You don't have to know, how I'm partying. ;)

xoxo RoseBewii

Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Travel Post - Vienna

I'm in Love with Vienna

Has anyone of you ever been in Vienna?
Let't introduce this beautiful city!

Vienna, the capital of Austria, has a population of 2,4 milion, spread on 23 districts. Vienna is also the seventh largest city in Europe.
The city has many titles - Congress City, World City for Art and Culture, City of the Emperors - and it has also the headquarters of many international organisations.
But Vienna has many faces, starting from the city's heart - the "Stephansplatz" with the Stephansdom - and the first districts with the opera houses and theaters to the coulourfull outskirts, where many other cultures come together.
Vienna offers its visitors many opportunities for enjoying their time in the multi cultural city. How about visiting the Schönbrunn palace or even spending the day in the animal garden Schönbrunn?

I recommend the adrenalin and fun adicts a day on the Danube Island for swimming in the Danube river and  a visit of the Prater, Vienna's entertainment park in the evening.

But if you're in Vienna in november, don't be disappointed. You can visit the great Christmas market with its colouful lights and small stalls while enjoying a warm cup of mulled wine. Or how about ice skating?
And any season matters for visiting the "Naschmarkt" -  the traditional Viennese market for the gourmets and fans of junk and old stuff.

And for the night owls: Vienna's nightlife has got something for everyone! You can go to the Passage, an extravagant night club with good music and better dj's. But if you are tired of too many too young people and the loud music, then you should visit one of the many pubs, where you can enjoy delicious drinks and awesome life music. These pubs are also a good place to meet new people. But you can also enjoy exotic cocktails and the romantic ambience of the numerous bars, for example Freiraum.

I was in Vienna last week and I really love that city, I don't know why but especially the underground. And I hope to study there next year.

I hope I could give you some expressions about Vienna!

xoxo RoseBewii

Stardoll Post - Makeover Kusja

Makeover Kusja

Hi everybody! =D
I love the website! It's a site for creative fashionistas and styling gurus. But let's talk about it later! =D
I love makeovers on stardoll and so I thought that I could post them here, so that other stardoll lovers get inspired. Let's start!
Kusja is one of the greatest members on stardoll I know. She creates awesome hairstyles. Kusja is one of the most creative people I know. But when I visited her suite I got a bit disappointed, because she looked like this:

Not really that what I expected of her. So I decided to make a makeover.
When I finished my work, she looked like this:

I think she looks stunning! Just gorgeous!
Do you also love it?

xoxo RoseBewii

Donnerstag, 8. November 2012

Fashion Post - Grunge Style

Seductive Flirt - Grunge Style

Lace bra, flannel shirt, ripped pullover, slipdress, fish-net stockings, leather skirts and jackets, lace-up boots and rivets. The grunge style is taking over the whole world and more and more celebrities create their very own grunge style. But what do we all think about when we hear the phrase? For me, grunge style means a romantic flirt with punk and glamrock. This style contains dreamy lace elements but also rebellious leather and wool cloths.
Your make up should be expressive, but don't exaggerate!
My tip: A smokey eyes look goes perfectly with vanilla coloured lipstick. In that way your eyes get something misterious but you don't hide your natural beauty.

Statement: Before searching unique grunge style pieces, start finding your own style. Don't forget, style is your charakter and shows the world what you want to say!

xoxo RoseBewii